
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

beating a dead horse (hope he has health insurance).

I enjoy a good debate. And this health insurance debate is up there with the best of them. While it has turned many a grown man or woman into a bitter, name calling fool, I have been fortunate to take part in a healthy tit for tat with a family member, thanks to our mutual respect, and would like to take the opportunity to share my latest tat.

This will be brief for the moment, I think, as I am exhausted from working until after midnight last night, was up a few times with baby and then up early to start my full time job, mommy, which doesn't pay much so thank God I am blessed with a good daddy (like yourself) to provide for us. If I were on my own i could NEVER work a full time day job, pay for childcare AND CERTAINLY NOT afford health insurancefor all of us as my job is not condsidered worthy of health insurance. See, i think in your paranoia about the lazy losers who take advantage of the system, you have forgotten about the people who work very hard and are still struggling. You are very fortunate in having the wealth that you do. But i can assure you that there are millions who work even harder than you do, and are barely scraping by. it's not about you paying for everyone else's health insurance, it's about fixing a painfully obviously broken system. With all due respect, I think your good fortune has turned you into one of those people who thinks that only those as fortunate as you deserve the "privilege" of health care, and that if people can't afford it they must not be working as hard as you. That is very (obviously) wrong. Yes, i think payihng 40% of your income to Uncle Sam is plenty (more than enough). My family does the same, and yet Darren still understands that our system is in need of an overhaul. Maybe our kids will be paying for this fix, but i would much rather our, and their, inevitable tax dollars go to something so obviously necessary rather than foolish wars and corporate bail outs and bonuses. We are in a pickle, and it's going to take some sacrifice to make this a better place for our children. Count your blessings that you are still so well off. Imagine the people who work harder than you, make less than you, still give their 40%, can't afford health care, and can't give their kids everything their little hearts desire. You are blessed, and should consider yourself lucky rather than cheated. Ok, this was longer than planned. i enjoy our tit for tats, despite finding you incredibly hard headed. i'm sure you could say the same. I will conclude with something friend wrote to me yesterday:

"I don't get it. I went a damn decade without health insurance WHILE working full time. I now have health insurance and sure don't mind spending a little extra money for somebody that needs it. Also, I am the same person now that I was 7 months ago when I was full time as a waitress. Why do I deserve it now and not 7 months ago? I have to ... believe that the majority are people like me...that work hard but can't afford the outrageous health insurance prices. Who can't agree with that? I just don't get it!"


  1. Kristin,

    The real problem is our generation and a “spoiled-brat” mentality.

    The insurance companies, by all means necessary, needed a jolt and pricing did need to be addressed. However, we (our age group) are rotten bastards.

    Next time you are with one of your friends and bitching about the price of Health Care. Look at a few things while you’re talking………spending. Everyone is our age group wants to “Keep up with the Kardashian’s”. While you’re talking I will guarantee that one of you is driving a car that is beyond your means. I will also guarantee that both of you have designer handbags. Everyone bitches but do not take any personal responsibility. Most middle income families or individuals spend way above what they make. You discounted what I said the other day but if instead of the “Benz” you buy a Hundai that saves $300.00 a month. That right their pays for Health Care for an individual. Then by taking one night out and curb your “take-out food” that literally pays for Health Care for a family. BUTT, No one wants to do that. We do not want to do that. If our friend has a Coach bag, we want a Burberry. If our friend has a 3000 sq. ft. house, we want 3001 sq. ft. Oh and I forgot, The idiots that go out and buy an I-Phone or the Droid that pay $250.00 for the phone and $100.00+ a month for a cell phone bill.

    Now there are people that do need help. Everyone wants to help those that WANT help. It’s those that get high all day and could give 2 shits about working. For everyone you say is a “Rich Dirty Republican” I can show you 100 of those people. And on top of it, they even walk around with I-Phones and Burberry bags. I have Health care because when I started CMP it was my first priority, 90% of our generation puts Louis Vuitton above it.

    The difference between you and I is simple…..I drop Natalie off every day at school and there is a guy that drops his daughter off in the new 2010-4 door Porshe (shit is banging)……When you look at him, you think “Rich Bastard, does he really need that” and I think “how much harder do I need to work to get one of them”?

    Also, just to make sure there is no Hypocrisy here…I heard you have a family Mercedes? Now you have your own family business….is everyone at his company covered under their health care plan? If not, do not complain about the cost of Health Care if you’re driving around in Mercedes while your employees do not have health care? I was just curious.

    If the company does provide it, then the Mercedes is deserved!


  2. Well, I just have to comment. Is it proper etiquette to comment on a comment about a post? Wis, I so agree with you. Bottom line--shouldn't we all have health care?
    I am the working mother of 2. I have my own business (have had it for 12 years), my husband has a business (7 years). We both make decent money. We drive 2 cars that are early 90's models, good on gas and not pretty to look at, but sure are reliable and we don't have car payments. We don't watch T.V., so no bill there. I don't own designer anything--unless you want to count the patagonia fleece I found at the salvation army last month. We have chosen to send our son to a private school--and we pay monthly for that without complaint. We lived in a 450 square foot home (by choice) for 3 years while building the rest of the house on--then decided to sell it because we knew once it was done and reassessed we would not be able to continue to afford taxes in the town of canaan.
    We work hard to afford healthy food, a good school and the ability to just get by. My husband and I have not had health insurance in a few years. We make too much to get a break, but not enough to afford our own. Now, you tell me--who are the rotten bastards?
    I don't give a shit what handbag you have or what kind of car you drive or how many hours you want to work to afford those things (while you pay for your children to sit at daycare)--I am trying to make the best choice for my family and regardless of who I am or what I do--I should be able to go to the god damn doctor! and so should every other person out there.
